International Women’s Day – Friday March 8

IWD Celebration at Mt Evelyn Community House
When: Friday March 8
Time: 7pm
Where: Mt Evelyn Community House, 50 Wray Cres, Mt Evelyn
To book contact Mt Evelyn Community House on 9736 1177, drop in to 50 Wray Crescent, or send a facebook message

Join us on International Women’s Day to hear from two wonderful speakers, enjoy a light supper and laughter with women in your community.

Let’s talk about Pelvic Floor! – Dr. Brianna Gist from Evolving Chiropractic.
Pelvic Floor is a topic that doesn’t get spoken about as much as it needs to and can affect both men and women of all ages, even before pregnancy!
Dr. Brianna Gist, a local Chiropractor, is passionate about women’s health. She will talk about out pelvic muscles; what they do, how important they are and what we can do at home to help them work well.

My Journey – Heather Roberts
Heather is a local with a journey to share. Her life changed when her husband was diagnosed with cancer and her role moved from wife to carer. She believed something good needed to come out of something so sad and founded the Kyoshi Andrew Roberts Foundation helping keep people at home in their final stages. She has written and published her first book and is currently fundraising for the “Shit box rally” driving from Perth to Sydney raising money for the Cancer Council.

International Women's Day
