We have emailed all the Evelyn 2022 State Election candidates asking if they would write a short piece introducing themselves to Mt Evelyn residents, and what they stand for. Their information will be added as we receive it.
As in previous election information pages, all candidate information is listed in order of where they appear on the ballot form.
HEALD, Jan – Animal Justice Party
The Animal Justice Party’s focus is on the welfare of animals, people and the planet.
The biggest issues for our local area also apply to the nation as a whole. We are currently facing a climate emergency which poses an existential threat to our survival. The Animal Justice Party will directly address the harm which continues to be done to our States flora and fauna. Our policies will immediately reduce the devastating loss of native habitat, most urgently where many indigenous animal species have now become endangered.
I have lived in Mt Evelyn for 15 years and one of the joys of living in our town is the treed, natural outlook, the space and the tight knit community.
I come from a background in customer service and public relations, but my main focus has always been on my volunteer work in the environment, human and animal rights. I’ve been a member of the Animal Justice Party since its inception in 2009 and I now have the time to step up and nominate as a candidate. I believe an MP’s position is to serve all members of the Evelyn community and support local business.
The Mt Evelyn and Evelyn District as a whole is at risk of losing its unique treed environment due to suburban sprawl and improper development. Evelyn provides a unique lifestyle to its community which must be protected. I love that I get to live amongst native bush land and share my home with the beautiful native flora and fauna of the area. An added bonus of living in Mt Evelyn is that we are not far from all other aspects and amenities that Melbourne has to offer.
Many people think the Animal Justice Party is a single issue party. You will find on our website that we have many policies on humans and the planet too. Central to all of our policies is our core values of kindness, equality, rationality and non-violence. This election we have 8 main policies we are focusing on including ending duck shooting, introducing Veticare, greater protections for wildlife and more ambitious climate targets: https://vic.animaljusticeparty.org/state_election_platform
We know that over 75% of Australians oppose the awful cruelty of live animal export, and we will act immediately to end this trade and introduce onshore processing for Australian animals, to allow for proper and consistent enforcement of anti-cruelty regulations. We also acknowledge the need for more research into sustainable farming and food production to reduce animal abuse, and also to remove the ongoing threat of further pandemics caused by the spread of zoonotic diseases from intensive farming practices.
Fun Fact: I’m not a spender. I hate to see unfettered spending of public money by government. I will reign in any reckless use of taxpayer money for unnecessary, vote buying projects.
Thank you for the opportunity to mention my values and objectives as a candidate for the Animal Justice Party.
Jan Heald
2022 Animal Justice Party Candidate
Evelyn District.
DENT, Lorna – Australian Labor Party – Victorian Branch
As you know my name is Rosalie or otherwise known as Rosie I come from a large Italian family, I am 21 years old, and I am a florist. Outside of work I love creating art by sketching or painting I also enjoy doing Muay Thai and Boxing.
I have lived in the Yarra Valley my entire life and wouldn’t live anywhere else. It is a beautiful place and part of the reason I am a florist is that I have fallen in love with the stunning nature that the Valley has to offer.
Being Generation Z I believe I can be a voice not only for our local community by also for the younger community.
Moving forward to 2023 and beyond I believe we need a fresh perspective on where the Evelyn District is heading. Starting my own business at the age of 18 and still running strong in a shop front in Seville. I hope to inspire other fellow members no matter your age anything is truly achievable with the right guidance and support.
My key party policies are
Education / nurturing the next generation
Having the right resources / education out there where people are able to learn how to further there career / business as well as there personal wellbeing.
Community Development
Truly understanding what the local / young community wants and where they wish to see our District in the coming months / years.
Freedom of rights ,speech and justice
The past few years has been particular hard for alot of people especially in our younger community . With the increase of mental health , trying to better ourselves and progress in life . It has stunted our growth / progress and livly hood of the younger members. Our rights / voices were taken away from us and now it is time to speak our truth and stand up and fight for justice.
As the Yarra Valley is best known for it horticulture I believe it is important to ensure farmers are supported with the right resources and funding to preserve what the Yarra Valley is all about and allow our region to continue to supply high-quality produce.
The eastern district is growing, with more suburbs being built meaning there is more congestion created. I believe it is important to ensure there is alternative routes and resources in which families can easily access necessities.
I absolutely love where we live and think the Yarra Valley is a beautiful place and I feel fortunate enough to have lived here my entire life. I have great passion in preserving our District, allow me to be your voice and ensure we have positive years ahead for both present and future generations to come.
Independent for the Eastern District.
VALLENCE, Bridget – Liberal
DOBSON, Jeanette – Family First Victoria
HENLEY, Andrew – Australian Greens